Snoring is when your breathing becomes loud and disruptive during sleep. However, snoring isn’t just disruptive; it can be dangerous. It’s also treatable. Take the time to understand your snoring; you’ll see it might be essential to get snoring treatment.
Our sleep dentists at the Advanced Dental Sleep Treatment Center in Omaha can help you get effective snoring treatment. Don’t keep suffering with poor sleep, and don’t waste money on over-the-counter remedies that aren’t likely to help. Please call (402) 493-4175 or use our online form today to request an appointment.
What Causes Snoring?
A narrow airway causes snoring. When your airway is too narrow to allow air to flow freely, it creates turbulence. Turbulence in your airway leads to vibrations in your throat, nose, or elsewhere. These vibrations create the sound you hear as snoring.
Although some people breathe loudly during the day, most snore only at night. That’s because of the way your airway changes when you’re sleeping. During the day, when standing or sitting upright, gravity is neutral or helpful in holding your airway open. When you lie down at night, gravity starts to close your airway. Not only that but falling asleep relaxes the muscles that support the airway, causing it to narrow even further. The result is often a narrow airway and snoring.
Who Is at Risk?
Almost anyone can be a snorer. However, risk factors for snoring include:
- Male gender
- Age
- Obesity
- Sedentary lifestyle
- Smoking
- Alcohol consumption
- Narrow airway
Men are, in general, more likely to snore than women. Many factors contribute to this, some of which are listed below, such as obesity, smoking, and alcohol.
Snoring gets more likely as we get older. For women, the snoring risk increases significantly after menopause, when women are about as likely to snore as men.
Being overweight contributes to snoring risk because fat stored around the throat (including in the tongue) contributes to airway narrowing and airway collapse during sleep.
Some lifestyle choices contribute to your snoring risk. Exercise helps tone all your muscles, including those that open your airway. You are more likely to snore if you’re not getting enough exercise. Smoking irritates your airway, which inflames it. This makes it narrower and more likely to cause snoring. Alcohol is a muscle relaxant, so it can relax the muscles supporting your airway, allowing the airway to collapse.
In addition, you might snore because you have a naturally narrow airway. This is why young, slim, and fit women are also at a high risk for snoring.
Why You Should Get Tested for Sleep Apnea
As soon as you know you are a snorer, it’s crucial to get a sleep test to see if you have obstructive sleep apnea. Obstructive sleep apnea is a potentially deadly condition that increases your risk of heart disease, stroke, car accidents, dementia, cancer, and more. In addition, sleep apnea can heavily decrease your quality of life and cost you thousands of dollars in additional health care costs each year.
An estimated 80% or more of people with sleep apnea are undiagnosed, and is one of its most noticeable symptoms. Take advantage of this occasion to learn whether you have this treatable condition or enjoy peace of mind knowing that you have simple snoring. A home sleep test is easy–you can take it over just a few nights in the comfort of your bed. It’s also inexpensive, and insurance may even cover the cost.
Home Remedies for Snoring
If you know that you don’t have sleep apnea, you can consider trying to treat snoring at home. Skip the patent medicine aisle at the drug store and do what you can at home. This includes:
- Changing your sleeping position
- Changing alcohol consumption
- Getting more exercise
- Losing weight
- Quitting smoking
Some sleep positions make it easier for gravity to pull your airway closed. You are most likely to snore if you sleep flat on your back. Learn to sleep on your side or with your head elevated using a wedge pillow to reduce snoring.
Drinking less alcohol can help cut down on your snoring. If you don’t want to drink less, ensure you’re not drinking within three hours of bedtime.
Getting more exercise will help tone airway muscles. Some people suggest specific airway exercises, but there’s no evidence that this generally works better than just getting more exercise.
Losing weight and quitting smoking are both easier said than done. Likely, you’ve already been told how good this will be for your health. Add snoring to the list of reasons you should make these important changes.
Although snoring is not as dangerous as sleep apnea, it’s still a severe condition that you should get treated.
The vibrations of snoring can cause micro-injuries to your arteries. When these injuries scar over, they can contribute to atherosclerosis, coronary artery disease, and stroke.
In addition, snoring is a sign that you’re not breathing well during sleep. This disrupts your sleep, even if you’re unaware, and can increase your risk of accidents at work or due to drowsy driving.
Finally, this can be a significant source of conflict in your home. Snoring is often cited by people seeking divorce, and it can lead to constant fighting, even domestic violence.
Treatment Is Available in Omaha
If you think you might be a snorer, let the sleep dentists at the Advanced Dental Sleep Treatment Center in Omaha help. We offer comfortable, customized, and effective snoring treatment to help you–and everyone around you–sleep deeply and peacefully at night.
To learn if our treatment can help you, please call (402) 493-4175 or use our online form today to request an appointment.